Productively Present Parenting for Mompreneurs

Shifting Focus Strategy #4 - Money

Episode Summary

I can’t honestly I aspired to become a mother. I pushed myself to finish graduate school directly following a double major and double minor in undergrad. It wasn’t that 👶 🍼 didn’t appeal to me but I had been told not to bother that my body wouldn’t work. When the surprise baby was born, I couldn’t imagine a life without her (and now her two sisters too!). And now, I balance my mom life with my career life by working from home and homeschooling. My kids and husband mean everything to me but the passion to have a career and build things will always burn. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have it all while still being a Productively Present Parent™.

Episode Notes

What is Guaranteed?

Strategy #4 is Money. Employment has never been guaranteed. Job volatility has always been around. There are times when our economy does well and then there are times when it does poorly. When we’re in a good place, you make money, pay bills, and make tiny bits of progress toward their big financial goals. But it’s never perfect nor will it ever. Do you have a plan for when things change drastically? 

Right now we're seeing a lot of problems in the job industry. There's job loss or job furlough with people not sure if they're going to have a job in the future. 

And then there's job vulnerability, because many jobs are at risk of being shut down or canceled. All kinds of companies and institutions are struggling to promise a paycheck for their employees because they don't know what the future holds. 

Virtual is the New Normal

It's really neat that some institutions like our schools have been able to move to a virtual setting. That's also dangerous because it requires fewer people to run something digitally, right? It's good for the education of the kids, but bad for the educators and other people that are involved in it. Think about the people that run the school, like the janitorial staff, the cafeteria staff, and all those other people. If you're not there in person, they don't really have a job. So there's a lot of vulnerability in jobs right now. 

Working Until Retirement

There's also a lot of overworked employees right now, like police officers, medical and health care professionals, and even some of the restaurant staff like the ones that do the delivery services like InstaCart, UberEats.

I’m sure they’re overworked. I'm also sure they're happy because finding a job and finding steady income right now can be really challenging. We were already told that if we haven't figured out a way to make money in our sleep, that we're going to end up working until we die. D.I.E. And that's actually very true.