Let’s look at shifting your focus by looking at your priorities. Going back in history, there's this thing they call the “American Dream”. It's existed since the beginning of America and I assume it wasn't labeled that but everybody had a dream of what they wanted in life. This evolved into one “generally understood” description of what that ideal life would look like.
When you have constant access to the internet, that means you can constantly work and that also means that your employer can constantly contact you and expect a really quick response.
The problem with that is that you're working more and probably getting paid the same. You're not able to create the true American dream that you want, because you might have your white picket fence and you might have your fully loaded SUV, but you're working so much to pay for those things. It's awful when you're a salary worker because you get paid the same no matter how many hours you work, and sometimes you have to work until the job gets done. Which is the case in our household for my husband. It's a salaried job.
Do we ever have the time to use our money to impact the world in a way that makes us feel good?